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Linear Solenoids Frame Solenoids (bistable)

ITS-LX 3831


Bistable frame solenoid with a linear direction of motion in which the plunger is locked into each end position. With the two positions in which it can stays powerless. it is ideal for locking systems without permanent power supply.

Stroke: 20 mm

Haltekraft: 10 N

Coil Data

Duty (%) 10
Power Drain (Watt) 150
Max. Duty (Seconds) 30

Solenoid Layout

12 VDC (standard)
24 VDC (standard)
other voltages on request

Special development

Sie wollen diesen Standardmagneten abändern (z. B. Abmessungen, Kräfte, usw …) dann senden Sie uns einfach dieses Formular: Checkliste (PDF, 390 kB)

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